The Power of Nature ~ Backed By Science ~ Experience Better Health
Patented phototherapy is designed to elevate a peptide known to enhance stem cell activity
LED light therapy is a process by which energy is delivered to various parts of the body and is absorbed by the cells for therapeutic benefits. The various energy wavelengths penetrate the skin to different depths, providing the energy cells need to activate increased circulation, pain relief, and trigger the release of Nitric Oxide, the body’s natural vaso-dilator. This brings greater blood flow, oxygen and energy levels to the area being treated.
ProLon is designed and clinically tested to nourish your body while inducing the metabolic benefits of prolonged fasting.
A great return on your investment!
Gift cards available for purchase and good toward all office visits. Can be used toward select supplements, labs, and therapeutic devices. Reach out to purchase or if you have something specific in mind to make sure it is covered.
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